March 23, 2016 Douglas County maintains two sites for slash drop-off. Castle Rock – 1400 Caprice Drive This site is open May 7th, 2016 through October 29th 2016 on Saturdays only from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. During the open season a County operated loader will be available to load mulch. In case of inclement weather, please call 303-663-6274 to ensure that the site will be open as scheduled. Acceptable items include tree limbs, branches, shrubs, and brush with a maximum length of 6 feet and a maximum diameter of 12 inches. All loads must be covered when they arrive at the site. A separate pile has been designated for the disposal of loose pine needles. Needles can be unloaded only in this area and must not contain limbs, branches, pine cones, weeds, grass, or trash. Needles must be separated from branches. Needles in garbage bags must be emptied into the pile. Residents are required to take empty bags with them from the site. Free wood chips are available to homeowners for use as mulch. An equipment operator is onsite to load wood chips. Material can be picked up anytime during the season the site is open to accept slash. The Site Operator has the authority to refuse loads and require residents to reload and/or haul away materials found not to be in compliance with the regulations. Unacceptable items include: appliances dirt grass household trash loose pine needles lumber railroad ties roots stumps weeds Douglas County slash mulch info